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Seminar on " Railways, towns and country planning: The experience of France and Sweden"

High-Level Seminar on Railways

Tid: Ti 2012-11-27

Plats: KTH, Hall F2

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The French Embassy in Sweden and KTH-Royal Institute of Technology are pleased to invite you to the high-level Seminar on “Railways, towns and country planning: The experience of France and Sweden” that will take place on November 27, 2012, in the premises of KTH in Stockholm.

The seminar will gather high-level policy makers, experts and business representatives of Sweden and France. It will start at 8:30 and end at 17:00. It will cover, through 4 policy-oriented discussion panels, the different aspects of railways, including improving existing network capacities (9:00-10:30), high-speed trains (11:00-12:30), railways networks as a development tool for big urban areas such as Paris or Stockholm (13:30-15:00), and inner-city transportation (15:30-17:00). The seminar will be open to the press. Participation is free of charge.

Please join us on the  seminar website , where you will find the detailed program of the seminar, including the expected panelists and the status of their confirmation as of August 15. Among others, Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd, Ulla Hamilton, Christer Wennerholm, Jan Sundling, Roland Ries, Pierre Serne, Alain Quinet or Etienne Guyot have already confirmed their participation. 

Registration should be made through the abovementioned website.

We look forward to your participation.

Invitation letter (pdf 496 kB)

Detailed program (pdf 36 kB)  (Updated!)

To register

For further information, please contact:

Tel: +46 (0)8-545 89 169

Innehållsansvarig:Oskar Fröidh
Tillhör: Järnvägsgruppen
Senast ändrad: 2012-10-23